YouTuber Tests If Sharks Can Smell Blood From Miles Away

Buzz By Charlie / January, 26, 2025

So, you might have watched any of the movies where a shark wanders a mile or more because they get attracted by the scent of human blood. But is it true or is it just an illusion for a better simulacrum? This curious question hit the YouTuber Mark Rober and he wanted to try it out and see what happens. Well, this isn’t the whole story because the experiment wasn’t going to take place in a tank with a shark who is good at comprehending one’s instruction. Rather, the place was the middle of the ocean in the Bahamas.

The venue is full of ferocious sharks all around. Firstly, they wanted to examine if the sharks preferred the scent of blood over other flavors. So, they put fish oil, cow’s blood, seawater, and urine on four surfboards to see the conclusion. The cow’s blood didn’t pull many sharks though. Even the fish oil and urine could attract only a little but the results didn’t vary due to the seawater. Still, there were over 40 sharks at the end of the experiment.

Now, it was the time for the infamous human blood. But, this time the results were quite surprising. They took three surfboards that contained human blood. One of the three could drip a drop of blood per minute while the second one could do it every four seconds. The third one contained nothing. The fact you knew all these years was just a lie. No sharks responded this time to the human blood.


Rober cleared it by saying, “I think it’s safe to qualitatively say that if no sharks came to check out 15 drops of human blood a minute in the middle of shark-infested waters, you’re probably going to be okay with a small scrape.” “There certainly won’t be some kind of feeding frenzy with a single drop of blood from all sharks within a mile.”, he continued.

Still, sharks are not the one to play with. There’s also a group who realized the same during their fishing trip in America. A giant shark ambushed inside the water to eventually grab the bait with its powerful jaw when these fishermen put it to see the shark closely. It happened 30 miles away from the coast of Manasquan Inlet, New Jersey.

The post YouTuber Tests If Sharks Can Smell Blood From Miles Away appeared first on Tamed Flame.