Woman’s Appeal On Tinder Reunited Her With Crush From Work Commute
So here is how it all started, the woman “Seattle”- tells that she took the same bus number 70 for reaching work one fine day.
As she moved her eyes, something or actually someone got her eyes fixed, it was a man sitting just across her, with whom she felt this unusual connection. But the couple did not talk, it was just the talking of the eyes.
But she knew, she had to get through him and find him. So, she took the help of Tinder and updated her profile with a missing connection- wanting to get him found. The profile update went like, “I made eye contact and smiled at a guy on bus 70 in Nov 2019 and again Jan 2020, if you’re him, super like, thanks.” And luck was liking chasing this girl and finally caught her when she matched with the exact man. His name was Greg and admitted that even he would look at her at the work route.
His message said: “Okay this might be embarrassing…but could you be talking about me in your bio?”I used to ride the 70 on my way to Fred Hutch. Definitely remember your face (the super cute redhead with the nosering).
“I feel like we made eye contact once or twice, and if we did I 100% would have smiled at you! If yes, I would love to grab a drink or something and (finally get to meet you. And if not, I’m mortified.”
Seattle replied: “Hahaha, not embarrassing because it was 100% totally about you and I truly did not think I would ever find you. Hello Greg! I’d love to get a drink.” This dramatic incident, which just happens to be in movies, actually happened in real life. Since the incident it seems that the couple is moving on a smooth track.
In a video, Seattle said: “So here’s the story of Greg, the bus buy. Back in 2019, we made eye contact on the bus. It got to his stop and he got off, looked back to the window, looked directly at me, smiled and shook his head. Instantly I knew I had to know who this guy was. Fast forward two months in the future, I was on the bus again, we made eye contact again but it was just at my stop and I panicked.”
“I talked to so many friends about it…like, how do you meet a guy that you’ve never met?”
She explained that the date went really well, for 11 hours. The next date went 9 hours long, and next to it was 11 hours. They just loved each other’s company. Gradually her profile was even liked by other people and one viewer commented “This is a much healthier version of the plot of the book One Day in December’, where the main character Laurie falls in love with a man she glimpses through a misted-up bus window.
The post Woman’s Appeal On Tinder Reunited Her With Crush From Work Commute appeared first on Tamed Flame.