Woman Sparked Debate After Admitting She Stopped Inviting Her Broke Friend Anywhere

Entertainment By Charlie / January, 28, 2025

The concern for money always becomes a pandemonium in the middle of friendship. It becomes more of a perplexing situation when you’re planning something and have to look the other way, considering your friend’s budget as well. Or maybe, if someone earns lesser in a group, the same mentioned concern arises. It’s obvious to support your friend during tough times, be it financially or emotionally. However, it’s difficult to answer as to how long this would go.

On the contrary, it becomes more of a burden when your contribution doesn’t even get acknowledged. Being tired of picking up the tab, an anonymous woman had no other choice but to stop inviting her broke friend on their nights out. Initially, she had been so happy to help her out as this friend had to take few weeks off work for her surgery.

The woman added: “This was supposed to be a relatively simple surgery with a return-to-work date scheduled for two weeks following the surgery. She ended up out of work for seven months on leave, collecting disability.” It happened during winter when they hadn’t many options to socialize. She was happy to help in the beginning but this continued until she started expecting help to get her things done all the time.

AITA for no longer inviting my broke friend on nights out? from AmItheAsshole

Moreover, she’d pretend to be busy when it was time to pay for something. Things like faking a phone call or spending a long time in the bathroom were her common ways to escape. And at some time, her help wasn’t even getting recognition. The woman no longer wanted to pay for her friend on a night out, so the whole group could figure out a way to let this broke pal join in for free.

However, it’s been over eight months and even the group doesn’t want to be picking up the extra bill for their friend. So, they all continued to meet up for nights out but didn’t inform their broke friend about it. Now, her broke friend admits that she’s upset for being left out of all the fun. People had mixed opinions on whether it’s the right thing to do or not.

A person said that it was she and her friends who are responsible for her sponging behavior and now, they cannot expect it to be otherwise. If it was the person who commented, she’d leave the bill for her to pay even if her buddy gets on a phone call. On the other hand, others suggested that she’d been acting as a nice friend, but she needs to explain to the broke friend as to why she’s being left out of all the activities.

Someone wrote: “It’s time for a talk with the friend. It sucks to be the friend with no money but it sounds like you’ve tried to accommodate that.” He also added that she might be dealing with depression but she’s in the wrong for not willing to change her current situation.

The post Woman Sparked Debate After Admitting She Stopped Inviting Her Broke Friend Anywhere appeared first on Tamed Flame.


Moreover, she’d pretend to be busy when it was time to pay for something. Things like faking a phone call or spending a long time in the bathroom were her common ways to escape. And at some time, her help wasn’t even getting recognition. The woman no longer wanted to pay for her friend on a night out, so the whole group could figure out a way to let this broke pal join in for free.


However, it’s been over eight months and even the group doesn’t want to be picking up the extra bill for their friend. So, they all continued to meet up for nights out but didn’t inform their broke friend about it. Now, her broke friend admits that she’s upset for being left out of all the fun. People had mixed opinions on whether it’s the right thing to do or not.


A person said that it was she and her friends who are responsible for her sponging behavior and now, they cannot expect it to be otherwise. If it was the person who commented, she’d leave the bill for her to pay even if her buddy gets on a phone call. On the other hand, others suggested that she’d been acting as a nice friend, but she needs to explain to the broke friend as to why she’s being left out of all the activities.


Someone wrote: “It’s time for a talk with the friend. It sucks to be the friend with no money but it sounds like you’ve tried to accommodate that.” He also added that she might be dealing with depression but she’s in the wrong for not willing to change her current situation.


The post Woman Sparked Debate After Admitting She Stopped Inviting Her Broke Friend Anywhere appeared first on Tamed Flame.

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