Woman Found Out Her Father Was Dating Her Best Friend

Buzz By Sabrina / March, 13, 2025

Every person needs a best friend who can always be with them through their thick and thin times. But it’s deeply disheartening when it turns out that that best friend was nothing else but just a home-wrecker. A 23 years old woman named Diana shared her story on a social media platform where she explained how her former best friend named Gretchin, was dating her father all this while. Diana and Gretchin had been best friends ever since, yet Diana had no clues of anything Gretchin had been doing.

Due to her own reasons, Diana never really got an opportunity to make friends outside work as she devoted her full-time to her family restaurant, even during high school. So, for her studies, Diana happened to study from home along with Gretchin, who also worked at her family restaurant. Hence, Diana never really got many opportunities to make friends other than in her workplace where Gretchin happened to be the only friend of hers, though she was 3 years older than Diana.

Mentioning more about Gretchin, Diana revealed that both of them spent almost all the time together, so apparently Gretchin had been crushing on her but because they were just best friends, Diana rejected her proposal. But seems like Gretchin couldn’t handle the rejection and planned on hitting on Diana’s father. Although Diana’s mother was aware of the fact that her husband was cheating on her, but with whom he was cheating, that was still unknown to her. Not just her mother, even Diana had little clues about her father cheating on her mother.

Diana’s mother also wanted to make sure that her husband confessed about what he was doing behind their backs. Aforementioned, Diana and her mother had clues about who the other woman was, but gradually her father started showing signs of his attraction towards Gretchin that made it pretty easy and obvious for both of them to know, that came out as a shocker, especially for Diana. Her father was definitely at fault for cheating his wife, but for her, Gretchin was the bigger culprit as she never had expectations from her best friend to intentionally destroy her family’s peace.

But despite anyone’s endless efforts, cheaters will always cheat no matter how close someone is to them, just like what her best friend and father did, who chose to still see each other after the revelation. Showing her mother’s picture, Diana mentioned that even good physical looks could not save someone’s marriage, the chances of getting cheated would be equally high. Yet fortunately, her mother appeared not to attach any importance to it and hence married another guy and is now in a much happy place.

The post Woman Found Out Her Father Was Dating Her Best Friend appeared first on Tamed Flame.