Miss Virginia Plays Out Her Science Skills As Her Talent

Buzz By David / February, 11, 2025

All the beauty pageants have a talent part of the competition where all the participants come up on the stage and show off what they are best at. Most of the participants opt to either sing or dance to show their talent. But for Miss Virginia’s talent portion, we had the very beautiful and smart biochemist Camille Schrier perform a live science demonstration on stage. This 24- year old woman took a big risk by choosing to do this. However, this surely paid off as she was crowned as Miss Virginia 2019.

This ‘quirky scientist’ showed the “catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide”. The experiment is commonly known as the Elephant’s toothpaste. The reaction involves hydrogen peroxide coming in contact with potassium iodide. The result was pretty dramatic, which was pretty evident by looking at the faces of the judges and the audience members alike. When the substances combined, colored foam erupted from the beakers and delighted both the audience and the judges. She concluded with the signature line that we must watch out as science is all around us.

24-year-old Biochemist wins the Miss Virginia pageant by performing a science experiment onstage as her talent. from pics

By winning this beauty pageants, she has booked a place in Miss America that is to be held in September. She also hopes her on-stage experiment helps the change in the perception of what talent is while on the idea who a beauty queen is. She went on to say that she is more than Miss Virginia and she is more like a Miss Biochemist, Miss Systems Biologist, Miss Future PharmaD looking toward a pharmaceutical industry career.

Camille emphasized that time has come for her to create a mind shift about the concept of talent by bringing her passion of STEM on stage. For her talent isn’t passion alone, but also a skill which is perfected over years of learning.

Hope to see some brains showing beauty more often.

The post Miss Virginia Plays Out Her Science Skills As Her Talent appeared first on Tamed Flame.


By winning this beauty pageants, she has booked a place in Miss America that is to be held in September. She also hopes her on-stage experiment helps the change in the perception of what talent is while on the idea who a beauty queen is. She went on to say that she is more than Miss Virginia and she is more like a Miss Biochemist, Miss Systems Biologist, Miss Future PharmaD looking toward a pharmaceutical industry career.


Camille emphasized that time has come for her to create a mind shift about the concept of talent by bringing her passion of STEM on stage. For her talent isn’t passion alone, but also a skill which is perfected over years of learning.


Hope to see some brains showing beauty more often.


The post Miss Virginia Plays Out Her Science Skills As Her Talent appeared first on Tamed Flame.

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