Jail Themed Bar Has Opened In London Where Punters Are ‘Inmates’
Liquor is one of the most desired beverages in this era. Even though it can be slightly harmful, it doesn’t stop people to have a drink or two every now and then. To satisfy the needs of those people Alcotraz prison is happily promoting a bar that is situated inside its campus. This has to be the most unusual bar situated in very unusual location. It’s a bar behind bars. This strange prison-themed cocktail bar was launched as England is embracing the easing of Coronavirus lockdown restrictions. Many jail inmates are looking forward to try it out.
The bar is precisely located at “Alcotraz Cell Block Two One Two”. It is inside a prison situated at Shoreditch, London. Punters need to wear orange jumpsuits and sit inside their cells. They try to smuggle alcohol past the warden and distribute them among other inmates. If they are successful, the experts will create you the cocktail of your particular choice. Inmates can also choose the spirits they wanted to be used in their drinks.
The cocktail bar is inspired by America’s most infamous prison. It is located behind shutters on London Brick Lane. Inmates don’t get everything of their choice as this is a prison after all. But people can be creative with all the sets of liquor available to them. Even then if someone is not fulfilled, they can try to smuggle the liquor of their choice. The crooked prison guards are also keen in helping the inmates. This is a very unusual yet a funny kind of situation where a bar is created inside a prison cell.
A statement on the Alcotraz website read: “Hidden behind unassuming shutters on London’s famous Brick Lane, lies Cell Block Two One Two, a secret speakeasy prison made a little more bearable by successfully smuggling in liquor past The Warden and getting it to the longest-serving inmates’’. This shows how the jail department is encouraging and promoting the cocktail bar.
They asked people to make bookings on Alcotraz website. Government cannot just ban the liquor because it is bad for health. It is the major source of tax money towards the government, as the liquor is a highly taxable product. And thus, even the government departments are promoting liquor. They don’t mind the products sold, even if it is inside a prison.
Bored by the lockdown? Have strong alcohol cravings? Want to enjoy a drink at a scary yet cool new bar? Then come to Alcotraz Prison and fulfill your quirky cravings. Alcotraz Cell Block Two One Two is located at 212 Brick Lane London, E1 6SA.”Line up below the metal detector and be ready to enter Cell Block Two One Two!” Prices start at 35 Euros. Tickets can be booked on Alcotraz website.
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