Customer Tipped Delivery Man With A Slice Of Pizza And Caused A Debate

Buzz By Charlie / March, 12, 2025

The technological advancement over the years has made the delivery system smooth as butter. Apps like Uber eats, Deliveroo, JustEat, and many others among the list have made delivering food quite an easy and safe task. The question here arises is that do customers tip their delivery drivers too? This question often initiates a debate among people.

The most common opposing point is that some believe if a person is capable to pay for the food, he should be capable of paying the delivery man as well, while others believe that it’s the restaurants and delivery partner’s responsibility to pay the drivers a satisfactory amount. A similar debate sparked not long ago when a takeaway customer decided to tip the delivery guy via a slice of pizza and not via money.

The incident went viral as a clip was shared by @ringdoorbell.compilation on Tik Tok. The clip showed a delivery man standing on the doorbell of a customer in the United States to receive a note which read, “No money for a tip, please take a slice of pizza.” Astonished by the gesture the delivery man thought that the man must be kidding. Later, slouching his shoulders the delivery guy accepted the slice of pizza and not the cash he was expecting.

This clip initiated a heated debate among the people. The post was bombarded with different viewpoints. Every opinion was a different one and opposed the other. Mainly, it sparked a divided opinion about whether the tip was acceptable or not. The major point was that a lot of establishments already provide food for their drivers so tipping them with food does no good.

Statistically, a lot of delivery people rely on the tips for the extra expenses they have as their wages are already non-satisfactory for them. A user commented that it was disheartening to see this guy being tipped via pizza slice, it does no good to him and he just lost the money he was counting on this delivery. Also, many jobs in the US depend on the tips that we as customers provide.

Another added, “Why do all of you fail to realize that tips aren’t necessary? Those who think they are, don’t deserve them.” A third person said that it is a simple logic that if you cannot afford to give tips, you do not deserve to afford the food. Regardless of the divided opinions, whether to tip or not remains a personal choice and a humanitarian gesture to help those who are willing to work for an earning.

Throughout the debate, positive or negative, all that the delivery guy received was a slice of pizza.

The post Customer Tipped Delivery Man With A Slice Of Pizza And Caused A Debate appeared first on Tamed Flame.